Go-Live Date: Sep 11, 2008 (Approximate)
Project Overview
Our company's web site which focuses on giving tips, highlighting security updates, and highlighting our company's services.

Front End Description
When creating a web site for my own company – I wanted to make sure the color palette was consistent with the previous designs for brand recognition. I also wanted to make the design as clean as possible and easy to navigate so prospective clients could easily find information and see what we value for layout and web design since those are services we offer as a company.
Back End Description
Just about every content area within the site is editable by the WordPress admin. I wanted to make something easy to keep up to date and not have to edit any template files when updating text or other content.
Lessons Learned/Random Thoughts
Designing your company web site – which specializes in web development is tricky. It took me a long time to figure out how I wanted to present content, what worked, what would be a lasting design, and what would be something I could live with for some time since I am extremely picky. I also used the grid pattern for a background which was based on the unreleased theme for Mac OS 8.5 which I always admired.