Go-Live Date: Jul 10, 2007 (Approximate)
Project Overview
Richard French's site is his personal blog that focuses on media and open source.

Front End Description
I created this user interface from scratch after talking to my client about his design likes/dislikes. After working in the WordPress admin for multiple hours a day, I thought it might be nice to use the WordPress colors to design a front end. This theme is simple, straightforward and is most importantly – easy to read.
Back End Description
There was no custom backend functionality.
Lessons Learned/Random Thoughts
I had prepared two versions (different colors) of this for my client. I was really excited about the other color scheme and was sure my client would like it much better, but in the end he really liked this one and went with it. Sometimes we do not see eye to eye, but the client’s happiness is always most important. I visit sourceforge.net and thinkgeek.com on a an almost daily basis and it was an honor working with my client who was recently Senior Vice President & General Manager of the Open Source Development Network.