Go-Live Date: Jun 23, 2009 (Approximate)
Project Overview
Marry Bop Dump allows visitors to rate user submitted photos.

Front End Description
Since this was a startup web site started by me and another colleague – I had complete control over everything with this project. I started by creating the logo and header and then the rest of the site design fell into place. For the front end – I wanted something bold, bright, and stylish. I needed something that had definite ad spots, a focus on the main rating system, and something that would be quick and easy for anyone to enjoy.
Back End Description
I used a custom PHP framework which allowed us to have a templating system, clean URLs, the ability to easily store and retrieve data without the hassle of managing hundreds of columns, as well as a lot of jQuery functionality to reduce page refreshes and to increase functionality. Our focus was on simplicity and reusability. There are four main components of this project: user management, photo upload/display, rating, and administration. Each component is completely customizable and uses jQuery whenever possible to make the user experience as easy and straightforward as possible.
Lessons Learned/Random Thoughts
Having to build something like this from scratch – logo, layout, CSS/HTML, PHP/MySQL functionality was both fun and exciting and I look forward to adding more functionality to this site in the near future. Stay tuned!